Because we still sin, we pray that God would keep us from temptation and to deliver us from evil when that temptation comes. He gives us ordinary means of resisting temptation: watchful prayer, knowing God’s word, and other Christians to hold us accountable. If/when we succumb to temptation, we find mercy for our past sins and grace for our future walk at the foot of the cross.
01.26.20 - "Forgive Us Our Debts"
01.19.20 - "Give Us Our Daily Bread"
01.12.20 - "Let Your Kingdom Come"
01.05.20 - "Our Father"
12.29.19 - "Letting Your Servant Depart in Peace" (Luke 2:22-38)
12.24.19 - "Good News of Great Joy" (Luke 2:1-21)
12.15.19 - "His Mercy Is for Those Who Fear Him" (Luke 1:39-56)
The coming of Jesus marks the fulfilment of God’s promises to Abraham to reverse and fulfil the story of Adam and Eve. The question for many of us is this: Do we use our resources and influence to participate in God’s work in the world or do we use them as a temptation to trust ourselves instead of God?
12.08.19 - "He Will Be Great" (Luke 1:26-38)
12.01.19 - "Your Prayer Has Been Heard" (Luke 1:5-25)
11.24.19 - "That You May Have Certainty" (Luke 1:1-4)
11.17.19 - God's Faithfulness to Israel (Ruth 4)
Throughout the book of Ruth, we see God’s faithfulness to provide for his people.
There was famine, but God brought abundant food to Bethlehem (the house of bread).
There was childlessness, but God made Ruth’s womb fruitful.
Naomi had no one to care for her, but God gave her Ruth and Obed.
Israel was left without a king, but God provided David to unite and lead the nation.
Humanity is sinful, so God provided a king who would save us from our sins.
11.03.19 - God's Faithfulness to Ruth (Ruth 2)
10.13.19 - God's Faithfulness to Naomi (Ruth 1)
10.06.19 - Generous Service
09.29.19 - Radical Hospitality
09.22.19 - Humble Growth
For those whom God has justified (legally declared to be in the right), he is also at work sanctifying (making holy) by removing our sin from us and causing us to go on to do good works. In order to sanctify us, God has given us the preaching of the Word (which we experience in Joyful Worship) as well as the church. Christians are members of one body, and we are all responsible for building each other up to Christian maturity.
09.15.19 - Joyful Worship
09.08.19 - Making Disciples
09.01.19 - Thinking Biblically About Death
Creation: God created Adam and Eve fully alive, both spiritually and physically.
Fall: Adam and Eve rebelled against God, bringing physical and spiritual death on all of humanity.
Redemption: God is at work to restore his fallen creation. Those who trust Christ are made spiritually alive, even though we don’t experience full physical healing in this life. Christians who have died are fully spiritually alive, but absent from their home in the body.
Restoration: Believers look forward to the day when we will be fully alive, spiritually and physically. On that day, death will be defeated and we will live forever in our bodies with all those who are in Christ.