This Sunday, we learn that Jesus, from his position as head of the church, has gifted each one of his people with what is necessary to build up his body into the maturity of knowledge and love.
03.10.19 - "Live a Life Worthy of the Calling" (Ephesians 4:1-6)
02.24.19 - "Know the Love that Surpasses Knowledge" (Ephesians 3:14-21)
02.17.19 - "The Mystery Made Known" (Ephesians 3:1-13)
02.10.19 - "Brought Near By The Blood of Christ" (Ephesians 2:11-22)
02.03.19 - "Made Alive With Christ"
This Sunday, we learn from Ephesians 2 that we have been brought from death to life in Christ - not because of anything that we have done - but purely by the grace of Christ.
01.27.19 - "The Incomparably Great Power of God"
01.20.19 - "Praise God Who Has Blessed Us In Christ"
01.13.19 - "To the Faithful Saints in Ephesus" (Ephesians 1:1-2)
In this introduction to our upcoming sermon series on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Pastor Andrew teaches about the city of Ephesus as well as the Apostle Paul and his interactions with the city. He concludes with looking briefly at what it means to be “In Christ,” a phrase which appears 34 times in this letter.
01.06.19 - The Loving Discipline of the Father
12.16.18 - Abraham and the People of God
In the latest installment of our Advent: God Has Come sermon series, we take a look at God’s relationship with Abraham and its contrast to expanse of sin in Genesis 3-11. God would restore his blessing to humanity through Abraham and his offspring. In the New Testament, we see that the true children of Abraham are not his physical descendants, but his spiritual ones: the ones who have faith.
12.02.18 - Advent: God Has Come (Introduction)
In the introduction to the Advent: God Has Come series, we see that God is simultaneously the creator of all things and involved in his creation. In Genesis 2, he promises life to Adam and Eve if they keep his commandments. Even though Adam and Eve rebel against him, God promises a human descendant who will reverse the curse that Adam and Eve brought on the world. The story of Scripture is the story of God pursuing humanity to bring them back to himself.
11.25.18 - Psalm 30
11.18.18 - Psalm 21
11.11.18 - Psalm 27
In Psalm 27, we see that God is David's light and salvation, even in light of deep personal loss. He longs to see the glory of God as revealed in the sanctuary. Today, we see God’s glory as revealed in the church, not only in Word and sacrament, but also in the fellowship we experience with God’s people.